Monday 16 February 2015

BYOD - Bring about Your Own Demise

Now this isn't a pessimistic post, more of a rhetorical reflection in pursuit of answers...

Being one of those super enthusiastic tech integrating teachers I salavated in excitement of the first batch of student 'laptops' rolling out back in what seems like a decade ago, even though it was only a couple of years. In that time I have heavily I integrated 'laptop' use into our daily learning & was even lucky enough to have my year 7 AND 8 Technology classes hooked up with 'laptops' too!

On reflection, I have been spoiled.

And what makes for an even greater coonundrum is that the DER 'laptops' have now run their race, are no longer issued & are now in a  state of semi hibernation.... but BYOD is the answer, right?


Now I don't want to cry poor for my students, our families and our community, as I love OUR community! But wealth and financial prosperity are not our strongest points. So whoever the geniouses were that thought that discontinuing supplying students with a 'laptop' were... Well... What can I say?

To me it feels like my students have been given a Ferrari to test drive for a few years, get used to using as part of their daily lives, love it, use it, then be given the choice.

Buy or die?

I know that sounds a little dramatic, but that's how it feels. None (or few) of our families can afford a 'Ferrari' so the choice is forced upon us. Die. Or at least the technology integration that we (my students and I) have been so accustomed to & collectively embraced has passed : (

Like I said -I've been spoiled.

So where to now? ? ?

For the record, I did predict this. And tried to prepare. But my students are not as open to stepping back 10 years in time to a world without laptops as I am. Sure, I still integrate & engage & encourage students to utilize the Tech they do have (mainly mobiles) but the equity issue is just too large a mountain to climb.

So again, where to now? ? ?
Textbooks? Writing booklets? Researching in the actual library? All of these are issues I'm actively experimenting with & solving. Slowly. But the one thing I can't seem to solve (Yes, even with my ridiculously over the top enthusiasm) is the look on students' faces when their learning activities are no longer linked to their devices we became so reliant upon.

So what does 'Bring Your Own Device' mean in YOUR school.

### DISCLAIMER - I love my job, my school, my department & everything associated with my work. But what I would really love, is the answer? ###