Thursday 6 November 2014

How do you justify 'a good job?'

Deep question...
A good job can mean many things, improved data, top HSC results, or just getting kids to school, but when you're teaching in a disadvantaged community there's so many 'good job' moments, that usually outweigh the somewhat depressing ones.

I had many 'good job' moments this week as I led 20 great kids on a 3 day 3 hour each way adventure from Port Kembla to Penrith by TRAIN! The kids learnt more about life in 3 days than 3 months. So I feel like I did a pretty 'good job' to have them all smiling and still intact come 7pm Friday : )

Now the kids still had their moments - lost phone, found phone, lost again, found again, lost wallet (getting mailed home), broken shoes, no money, no food, forgetting devices, etc. etc. But one or two things were clear...

The kids competed on the big stage (@ a NSW final) against Selective High's, Independants, Catholics & of course a couple of other feel good story schools & it was obvious - ALL of our kids wanted to do better, wanted to be better, believed they could be better!

The kids all believe! They can see a future, a future where, they will have shoes, money, be organised, an have worked hard to achieve a goal (or two or three or more!)

So I think I've put my finger on it..
I teach people to BELIEVE!

Believe that anything is possible...
Believe THEY can make this happen...
Believe that they have support behind them...

And ultimately believe that


So I think this counts as a 'good job' right?

I had lots of really positive moments this week - smiley faces and feedback will do that to you I suppose, but the best one was definitely a kid telling me the familiar story.

It started with a, "Thank you sir."
And followed with a few more. But when the young fella thanked me for not copping his crap & me telling him that excuses were like toilets was just what he needed (because hes always full of them) & that now he has a vision & a belief that he can change a cycle!

He told me how his family has never been able to afford their own home, & how he's going to change that! It just made me smile : )

So while the technical skills may still be developing in many of my kids I can always sleep at night knowing I'm making a difference & teaching the real skills my kids need to succeed.

It's always summed up with E=R : )
So next time you're teaching a class I hope this story keeps you smiling as you reflect on how YOU are making a difference to people's lives!

Teaching truly is the best job in the world : )

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